Happy New Year from all of us at Parachute Health!

As the world adapts to a new normal, we at Parachute Health have had amazing opportunities to connect more with our users, partners and each other! 

The return of in-person visits and conferences brought even more occasions to learn about steps forward in healthcare and share the Parachute Platform more widely. We heard how clinicians, hospitals, homecare providers, and suppliers are embracing technology more and more, and continuing to adopt ePrescribing for DME and supplies to serve their patients. Follow us on Linkedin to read their stories and more throughout the year!

Parachuters also gathered for our first ever company-wide offsite! Some reconnected live for the first time in years, and everyone got to meet new Parachuters who’d previously been only a 2D square on Zoom. The live conversations, brainstorms and connections we made sparked an even more productive and collaborative second half of the year.   

Here are some of the team’s reflections on the year gone by and excitement about opportunities that lie ahead 

Jocelyn, Patient Advocate Associate: I am very grateful to have joined Parachute Health in 2022. Since my start date, I wake up each day filled with gratitude and eagerness to deliver for our partners and users. I am beyond thrilled to be a part of an organization that is revolutionizing the healthcare industry by streamlining the process of ordering DME and working to improve the lives of healthcare workers. 

Regina, Facility Growth Operations Manager: Looking back on 2022, I am incredibly grateful to be part of such an impressive and caring team. The support and camaraderie are unparalleled on every level. One of the most exciting things for me is supporting our newest users through placing their first orders. The very best part is when they actually complete their first order and they say "That was so easy" . In 2023, I look forward to the opportunity to continue to drive new user adoption / engagement and to help patients one DME order at a time!

David, CEO: I have so much gratitude for Parachuters and our partners across the US committed to making healthcare, and in particular DME, work better for the millions of patients and clinicians we touch. Our growth is only possible because of the creativity, thoughtfulness, and hard work of every Parachuter. Work turns into fun when you enjoy spending time with fellow Parachuters, solving the challenging problems we get to tackle, and helping transform people’s lives and this industry. 

Ted, Associate Product Manager: It’s been wonderful to not only see this team grow, but grow by adding more incredible individuals. It makes me incredibly optimistic about how we can further impact the healthcare world.

Chelsea, Data Analyst: I’m grateful to be part of the data team, which has grown exponentially over the past year. We’ve been focusing on establishing our mission, team processes, and how we work with the rest of the organization. I’m excited to see our impact and to continue shaping our data culture in 2023!

Robert, Merchandising Associate: 2022 was a year of self growth and exploration. Parachute Health continued to foster an environment of individuals working for a common goal, which made the day-to-day fresh and exciting. I look forward to 2023 following in its predecessor's footsteps, presenting new opportunities to become the best version of myself I can be. 

Jun, Executive Vice President: I'm most proud of joining Parachute Health in 2022. Last year was a time of personal rebuilding for me - a time to remind myself that the most important things in life are joy, connection and finding purpose - applying my energy toward a greater cause and meaning. And Parachute provides that avenue for me to contribute my talents. I'm excited for 2023 for all it has to bring personally, professionally and I'm very excited to help lead the company to achieve its mission with clarity, conviction, accountability and a lot of fun!

Alexa, Director of Merchandising: In a world that focuses on external accomplishments, I spent a lot of time last year growing internally. I look forward to a more grounded and intentional 2023! Starting with a couple months of sunshine away from the cold of New England.

Katy, Technical Recruiter: For recruiting, and the people team, I am most proud of how we are continuing to improve the hiring, interview, and onboarding process. I feel as a company we have come together to prioritize candidates’ experience, improve unbiased interview practices, and develop ways to make sure each new hire is set up for success starting on their first day. High priority for contribution to healthy culture, empathy, and collaboration is the common denominator I see on every hiring team I have had the opportunity to work with. Having these shared values is so unique and special. 

Pallavi, Group Product Manager, Merch: I feel incredibly lucky to be part of the Parachute adventure surrounded with amazing co-workers and inspirational leadership. It energizes and fuels me to know that the work we are doing is shaping healthcare to be more equitable and hassle-free for patients and their families.

Irene, Associate Director, Product Marketing: The most rewarding aspect of my role over last year was seeing how DME ePrescribing solves so many pain points our partners and users face. In 2023, I’m looking forward to more collaboration across teams to spread the word about ePrescribing, new Parachute Platform features, and categories!

Juliana, Senior Merchandising Associate: I'm beyond proud of the work Parachute completed in 2022, especially the Merch team. It is such a joy to work with so many great people who have the same goal of helping patients! 2023 is going to be a fabulous year filled with hard work, great gifs, checking off goals, laughs, and sharing more dog photos with my coworkers.

Brandon, SVP Strategy: Looking forward to 2023, I'm excited to see how our expanded team will tackle new challenges as we make life a little bit easier for clinicians and patients, alongside our many partners on the Parachute Platform. In particular, I look forward to supporting patients and providers across the DME lifecycle, from new order through resupply, and across all product categories from CGMs to catheters, and orthotics to ostomy pouches… and beyond!

Want to learn more about Parachute Health?

Check out how we help healthcare providers, health systems, DME suppliers, and health plans.