AHA: Hospitals burdened by high DME and labor costs, worker shortages
In an April report, the American Hospital Association (AHA) shared new data on rising hospital costs. Labor as well as equipment and supplies were two areas where costs ballooned compared to pre-COVID rates. At the same time, DME and supplies ordering has long been a segment of healthcare plagued by waste, inefficiency, and frustration due to over-reliance on dated technology. This translates to more staff hours spent ordering DME, as well as confusing, bureaucratic processes that make it hard for hospitals, health plans, and suppliers to collaborate, minimize waste and maximize value. The Parachute Platform’s best-in-class ePrescribing for DME and supplies slashes time spent on orders, reduces repeated order paperwork and phone follow-ups for stressed healthcare workers, and provides the transparency necessary to ensure maximum value and proper payment for every stakeholder.