How long does it take your patients to get diabetes equipment—a month?

Managing diabetes can be hard, but with timely care, proper tools, and education, it doesn't have to feel that way. Parachute Health empowers providers with delightfully simple DME ePrescribing for all the medical equipment and supplies patients need to manage their diabetes. Facilities can order from their preferred suppliers, while guided ordering means the script is complete before it's sent so that suppliers can accept and fill orders right away. The bottom line is that when orders are placed on the Parachute Platform, patients receive them 85% faster and real-time order status visibility empowers providers to facilitate better care coordination.

Diabetes can be a scary and challenging condition to manage. Regardless of the type or age of onset, people with diabetes often remark on the daily effort required to keep their insulin and blood sugar levels under control and out of the danger zone. The last thing any patient with diabetes needs is another layer of difficulty when it comes to getting connected to the DME and supplies they need to responsibly manage their condition.

Living with diabetes depends on a delicate dance to coordinate access to exercise and dietary management, equipment such as glucose monitors, testing supplies, and insulin, and education. The availability of cutting edge diabetes management technology including continuous glucose monitors (CGMs), insulin pumps, and the related apps make diabetes easier to manage, but these tools also require more care coordination than their less sophisticated predecessors to get patients up and running.

Education is critical to properly use these pieces of sensitive wearable technology and interpret the data they collect and report. For this to happen quickly and with minimum confusion, it’s essential that DME prescribing be coordinated across specialities, facilities, and clinicians including endocrinologists, primary care doctors, nurse practitioners, nutritionists, ambulatory pharmacists and diabetes clinical care technicians.

Training is especially important for new patients starting glucose testing regimens, and also when initially placing CGMs and insulin pumps. But with dated, faxed-based ordering methods, incomplete orders missing required documentation often lead to delayed shipments. Meanwhile, lack of visibility into order status can cause additional uncertainty and delays for trainings, which can't be scheduled until patients have their equipment and supplies in hand. These long wait times put patients at risk of adverse events and complications, and can even lead to frightening and costly ER trips.

The Parachute Platform takes the wait time and guesswork out of ordering DME and supplies for diabetes care, and the benefits for patients and providers are nothing short of amazing.

For example, diabetes orders using fax-based methods take an average of about 35 days, with even the fastest orders taking about 15 days. By comparison, orders placed using Parachute Health’s DME ePrescribing translate to 85% faster time to product delivery: just 3 to 5 days from the time the order is placed to the time products arrive at patients’ doorsteps.

The powerful Parachute Platform, built over the past 6 years with providers, suppliers, and patients in mind, makes it all possible. Parachute Health’s step-by-step ordering workflow is fast — just 3 minutes and as little as 1 minute with EHR integration — and assists providers to: 

  • Enter patient information and insurance
  • Complete guided ePrescription questions
  • Select product(s) from your preferred supplier
  • Enter diagnosis codes
  • Receive clear system prompts when additional information and documentation is needed for order acceptance and insurance coverage
  • Request clinician signature by email, SMS, on-screen or in-EHR for integrated facilities, or use the print-and-sign option
  • Send the order digitally to the supplier with complete record-keeping and order status visibility in the Parachute dashboard

All with no faxing required!

The Parachute Platform allows clinicians and other healthcare professionals responsible for DME ordering to have confidence their orders are correct and and peace-of-mind knowing order status and when to plan for next steps in care.

"As convoluted the healthcare system can be in America, people and platforms like yours can really make it easy for us providers to do our job."

— Khyati Patel, Ambulatory Care Pharmacist, Aurora Medical Center, Kenosha, WI

The feedback we receive from our users shows just what a big difference effective technology tools can make in diabetes ordering. "As convoluted the healthcare system can be in America, people and platforms like yours can really make it easy for us providers to do our job,” remarked Khyati Patel, a Parachute Platform user and Ambulatory Care Pharmacist at Kenosha, Wisconsin’s Aurora Medical Center.

Healthcare providers: Try delightfully simple digital ordering today.
Suppliers: See what you can do with the power of the Parachute Platform.


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