DME ePrescribing for Fast, Reliable Patient Service: Diabetes

How long does it take your patients to get diabetes supplies - a month? ePrescribing puts a huge dent in that timeline with clean, complete orders suppliers can accept right away!

With roughly 37.3 million people in the U.S. affected by this condition, diabetes management and access to essential supplies play a critical role in empowering individuals to lead fulfilling lives. Clinicians know that the sooner patients receive their supplies, especially if they avoid having to deal with insurance and prior authorization, the more likely they are to start the care they need to stave off more serious health conditions.

For a patient, it’s scary to hear they have diabetes, and that it can lead to severe complications, affect various organs and systems in the body. But that diagnosis can lead to action if the patient is given a clear plan by their care team, and supplies needed to manage the condition. By keeping blood sugar levels stable, individuals can enjoy improved energy levels, better sleep, and the ability to engage in daily activities without limitations. 

A patient used to have to prick their finger multiple times a day to ensure your blood sugar is within normal range. With today’s CGMs that’s longer needed, and patients can monitor their glucose levels continuously, even right on their cell phone with virtually no effort. This is really exciting news for the patient. They agree to try the CGM, but keep waiting and waiting for it to arrive, eventually calling the office daily to check on status. 

With traditional fax-based DME ordering it can take weeks to a month to get  supplies. Which is extremely frustrating. It’s no wonder that clinician satisfaction is on the decline and patients become angry and upset that the healthcare system takes such a long time to actually make a difference in a person's life. When you order on the Parachute Platform from suppliers you choose, patients receive diabetes supplies up to 85% faster. Resulting in the patient getting diabetes supplies within a week of having the order placed. Now, THAT is a healthcare system you can rely on.   

With Parachute Health order turn-around time can be as little as 3 days for some suppliers. This means patients receive their supplies sooner than with traditional fax-based methods. Which means patients start managing their diabetes sooner and improve their quality of life. 

Why such a big difference?

Clean, complete orders generated the first time that suppliers can accept right away. The digital ordering workflow runs checks in the background to make sure all information for the order is included. This removes time-consuming follow-ups and order re-work, re-signing, re-faxing…

What is ePrescribing anyway?

Once the cart is filled with the medical equipment or supplies the patient needs, the Parachute Platform prompts for necessary medical documentation, starting with the diagnosis code. Prompts for clinical information are specific to the items in the cart. Documentation is auto-generated in the Parachute Platform based on entered clinical information. 

And that is it! No small detail is missed, and the ordering guidance is up to date based on payor and supplier requirements. The order is ready for the supplier to begin processing and for the clinician to sign.  

Order status visibility and digital communication tools are the next game changers that unlock after an order is placed. The Parachute Health dashboard allows clinicians to see check order status in one place for all their patients. No more calling around to different suppliers to check on one patient's order. Or waiting by the fax machine to receive a confirmation. Patients can receive status updates, saving time on patient calls as well. For any needed communication with suppliers, however, digital chat is available in each order.


Hidden Heroes - User Story

“Compared to other options for DME ordering, Parachute Health is truly simple digital ordering. We are guided through the order, no longer have to remember all clinical details needed for a CGM or an insulin pump, and can focus on our patients. We eliminate order re-work and phone follow-ups due to illegible faxes or small omissions, get fast digital signatures from providers, and best of all can see order status to know our patients are taken care of.”

Lisa S.
Diabetes Educator - MS, RD, CDCES
Froedtert Health, Endocrinology

Diabetes part 2 - fast orders

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